The things we learn when we are young stay with us allways. I stopped being a catholic when I was 14yo, I am now 45yo but I still remember many of the catholic songs that were sung in Church. I started to be a JW when I was 20yo untill now, but I still remember the catholic tunes more easierly then the JW tunes.
The Thinker
JoinedPosts by The Thinker
Those silly Kingdom Melodies
by RR inever get one of those jungles in your head and you can't get rid of it.
i was trying to put my son to sleep, there he is leaning on me and i'm humming, and realized it was a kingdom melody.
15 years and they're still in my head!
The UN Debacle
by betty boop innow i have been reading about the wts association with the un and trying to gain a better perspective to what happened.
im a little confused as to what their wrong doing was really?
i can understand its hypocritcal for them to associate with a political organization but they claim it was just for research purposes and if thats the case what other option did they have?
The Thinker
I am sure that being able to fly the UN banner would make it much easier to enter into countries like Africa and Russia under the pretense of "Human Rights", of course once they convince the Goverments and get there approval to enter the country they drop the UN flag and start flying there own flag, which means they didn't care about Human Rights, they just want to make more converts.
And if "freedom of religion" is a human right they certainly want it, but they don't grant it to others.
The UN Debacle
by betty boop innow i have been reading about the wts association with the un and trying to gain a better perspective to what happened.
im a little confused as to what their wrong doing was really?
i can understand its hypocritcal for them to associate with a political organization but they claim it was just for research purposes and if thats the case what other option did they have?
The Thinker
Read the Letter straight from the UN Web site, its still there. It says "By accepting association with DPI, the organisation agreed to meet criteria for association, including support and repect of the principles of the Charter of the United Nations .... " Now, unless you are new to the Watchtower, you will know that they have ALLWAYS claimed that the UN is the image of the wild beast and anyone having anything to do with it will have the mark of the wild beast. Now in this case, they have either lied to the UN about their Motives and have no intention to uphold the UN Charter or they have lied to the Rank & File, either case, they have lied to someone big time !
by altom indoes anyone know the latest teachings of the society on this?.
if a disfellowshipped person dies before the geat tribulation,will they have "paid the price" for sin?
or will they never be resurrected?.
The Thinker
I am surprised to think that anyone in this room would even bother to ask such a question. The WTS is so judgemental. Of course they think that they are the only true religion and everyone that turns away from them has done something wrong in Gods eyes. Of cousre since their Theology is wrong this cannot be true, so who cares what they think.
Elder tells me that Governing Body moved to Walkill to escape terrorism
by truthseeker ini was talking to an elder the other day, and he told me that the governing body had all moved to walkill to because jehovah wouldn't let them be destroyed.. but, i thought, weren't some of the gb in walkill anyway?
and if this is the case, why would they build that massive residential complex in the dumbo area?
are bethelites expendable if a terrorist attack did happen?.
The Thinker
How would an Elder know anyway? Elders don't get special letters explaing the WTS actions. The Elders are keep in the dark like most of the R&F. All the Elders get is the Elders book, it does explain anything about the inner workings of the WTS.
July 15 Watchtower article on Blood
by XBEHERE inin the 7/15 wt i dont recall the exact page, i dont have the magazine here at work but there is a chart that lists blood, what components are up to you and which ones are not allowed at all.
anyway its very odd because they list which ones christians should avoid from left to right, i.e.
red blood cells, white blood cells, plasma, etc.
The Thinker
If one donates Blood he will get Disfellowshipped. But how can that make sense??? If its OK to use even just one blood product how can it be wrong to donate it?? That means they are saying its OK to use the blood donated by sinners. What if everyone was a JW, then even JW's couldn't get these blood products that the WTS say its OK to use. And they expect people to die for their false Theology, and they say that Christendom is blood guilty !
July WT. Contradicts Itself Regarding "Unbelievers"
by minimus ini was reading the july wt.
at my mother's yesterday and the qfr asked about who should and shouldn't be viewed as an "unbeliever".
if a person was attending meetings and might even be an "unbaptized publisher" they should not be considered an "unbeliever".
The Thinker
more tests..i still haven't got it right !
July WT. Contradicts Itself Regarding "Unbelievers"
by minimus ini was reading the july wt.
at my mother's yesterday and the qfr asked about who should and shouldn't be viewed as an "unbeliever".
if a person was attending meetings and might even be an "unbaptized publisher" they should not be considered an "unbeliever".
The Thinker
more tests
July WT. Contradicts Itself Regarding "Unbelievers"
by minimus ini was reading the july wt.
at my mother's yesterday and the qfr asked about who should and shouldn't be viewed as an "unbeliever".
if a person was attending meetings and might even be an "unbaptized publisher" they should not be considered an "unbeliever".
The Thinker
burp again! just testing this post
July WT. Contradicts Itself Regarding "Unbelievers"
by minimus ini was reading the july wt.
at my mother's yesterday and the qfr asked about who should and shouldn't be viewed as an "unbeliever".
if a person was attending meetings and might even be an "unbaptized publisher" they should not be considered an "unbeliever".
The Thinker